Do you smell something strange? It could be your indoor air.
Poor indoor air quality can lead to a variety of health problems, so it’s important that you take steps to improve it. Improving ventilation in a room can reduce the presence of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and can help minimize the symptoms of allergies and asthma.
Fortunately, we’re here to help. If you’re trying to learn how to improve ventilation in a room, be sure to use these 6 tips.
1. Open Windows in the Room
One of the best things that you can do to increase ventilation in a room is to keep windows open as much as possible.
By opening the windows, you’ll allow fresh air to come in, and the breeze will do a great job of moving the air around. You’ll replace the indoor air that may have become stale with fresh air from outside. This fresh air can help get rid of pollutants, allergens, and odors.
If possible, open two windows in opposite directions at the same time so that there will be a cross-breeze. Even if you can’t open the room’s windows completely, opening them at least a little bit can help with improving ventilation.
You may also want to consider installing windows that provide adequate ventilation and airflow. Getting energy efficient awning windows, for example, can be a great choice.
2. Keep Doors Open
In addition to opening windows in a room, you should also make sure to open doors as well. Just like with opening windows, this can allow fresh air to come in and move around the room and will allow stale air to be removed.
However, not all doors will have the same impact on helping to keep the air ventilated. Focus on opening doors that lead to bigger rooms or to the outdoors.
Avoid opening doors that won’t lead anywhere that air will be able to escape. Opening closet doors, for example, may not be effective and the air may end up getting stuck there instead.
3. Add Some Fans
One of the best things that you can do to improve room ventilation is to use fans to increase airflow.
Placing fans around your room can help to increase airflow and get air moving. A fan will move the air around the room and bring in any air that is coming in from open windows. Adding fans can help ensure that fresh air will reach all corners of your room.
There are many types of fans that you can add to a room to experience these benefits. You can choose to add a table fan, a freestanding fan, or a ceiling fan to the room to help ensure that your ventilation is adequate and that you’re able to breathe easier while in it.
4. Pay Special Attention to Kitchens and Bathrooms
If you’re trying to improve home ventilation, it can help to pay extra attention to certain areas of your house. There are several places where it can be particularly beneficial to run fans often to improve poor ventilation in a house. Poor air quality in one room can move into another if left unchecked.
The most important rooms for you to run fans in will be the bathroom, the kitchen, and your utility room or laundry room. In the kitchen, the smells of food can stink up your home and spread throughout your house. The bathroom and the laundry room can suffer from odors as well.
Running fans in these areas can be especially helpful for improving ventilation. If you have exhaust fans installed in these rooms, be sure to use them.
Exhaust fans will take in air from the room and then send it outside. These fans can be especially helpful to use while you’re cooking in the kitchen or using the bathroom.
5. Filter the Air
If you have a central HVAC unit in your home, then you should make sure that you check your air filter. Be sure to change it regularly and ensure that you follow all manufacturer instructions when doing so.
Typically, it’s recommended that you change the air filter every 3 months, but this will vary based on your climate and other factors such as the system age and whether you have pets or not.
In addition to making sure that your HVAC air filter is changed, you should also consider using a dehumidifier.
Dehumidifiers can help get rid of musty odors and prevent the development of mold and mildew. They can also help remove dust and allow your air to circulate better. Dehumidifiers will in the air that’s inside a room and can then push it out, helping to improve ventilation and air quality.
6. Get Rid of Obstructions
Remember that when ventilating a room, you should be mindful of any obstructions or furniture that could inhibit air movement and circulation. While all the steps above can help to ventilate a room, they’ll lose their impact if there are big obstacles in the way.
Be sure that you don’t place furniture in a place where it will obstruct a window or inhibit air movement throughout the room or from window to window, if you’re trying to create a cross Breeze. However, reducing obstructions can still be helpful even if you just have one window.
Understanding How to Improve Ventilation in a Room
If you’re trying to understand how to improve ventilation in a room, be sure that you start by using the tips above. By opening windows and doors, using fans, and filtering air, you’ll be able to improve ventilation and air circulation in any room.
In search of more helpful tips for improving indoor air quality? Read through our blog now to find more useful guides and articles.