Briefly, On Monday, PayPal announced it had purchased Tel Aviv-based Curv, a company that uses a unique form of cryptography to safeguard Bitcoin and other digital assets stockpiles. This comes as another sign of PayPal’s growing crypto ambitions, and indicates its plan to exploit the fast-changing world of financial technology. PayPal reportedly sold Curv for …
Your Quick Guide To Saving for Emergencies
Approximately 56% of Americans can’t cover a $1000 emergency bill with their savings. Saving for emergencies creates a financial buffer that can help you in times of need without depending on high-interest loans or credit cards. You never know what unexpected difficulties may turn up this year or later on, so start saving for emergencies …
Tips for Getting the Best Homeowners Insurance Quote
It seems like there’s always something going wrong with a house. It could be just normal wear and tear, or you might suffer a loss from a tragic event like a fire. Either way, you need insurance in case. Without insurance, your possessions wouldn’t be compensated for at fair market value if you suffered from …
How Much Does It Cost to Buy a House? A Helpful Guide
According to NAR, 88% of home buyers bought their house with the help of an agent. If you’ve ever thought about buying a house, it’s a great idea. Buying a home has plenty of long-term benefits, from tax incentives and monthly savings to improving health and even reducing the risk of divorce. But for first-time homebuyers, figuring …