Showing: 9 - 12 of 238 RESULTS
Choosing the Ideal Drug Addiction Treatment Center for You

Choosing the Ideal Drug Addiction Treatment Center for You

An Alcoholics Anonymous adage says, “If the solution works, you found the problem.” In that context, that means if attending sobriety or addiction management meetings helps you, you have an addiction problem. Sometimes, meetings don’t do enough, and you find that you also need one-on-one therapy or a residential treatment facility to further your recovery. Look …

Key Benefits of Patient Support Program to Biopharma Manufacturers

Key Benefits of Patient Support Program to Biopharma Manufacturers

Patient support programs (PSPs) help individuals overcome barriers to therapy access and adherence, ultimately improving health outcomes. These programs include coordinating benefits investigations, providing transportation to physician appointments, and answering questions. Pharma companies can take a cue from patients by listening early and continuously, co-creating solutions, and leveraging insights to drive impactful change. The key …

The Importance of Posture - How Chiropractic Care Can Help You Achieve Optimal Alignment

The Importance of Posture – How Chiropractic Care Can Help You Achieve Optimal Alignment

Good posture reduces wear and tear on bones and joints and allows muscles to function efficiently. It also helps the lungs and digestive system work better. Optimal posture includes sitting and standing with the feet flat on the floor with equal pressure on both hips, keeping the spine straight (while maintaining the natural curves in …

The Ultimate Guide to Veteran Healthcare

The Ultimate Guide to Veteran Healthcare

Veterans are a growing population, and their healthcare needs are complex. The type and intensity of their service may significantly impact their physical, mental, and social well-being. Research has shown that many veterans have difficulties accessing help for their PTSD and other mental health conditions. Preparing future healthcare providers to understand this demographic is essential. …