Not All Essential Oils are Safe for Both Humans and Pets!
Chocolate. We love it. We need it. It’s a killer for dogs. And those poor, happy, intellectually shallow puppies will gobble chocolate up without a second thought. Even though it’s bad for them, they like it. A dog doesn’t always know what’s good for it. So even if your dog seems to like oil-infusing devices or spritzers, you may be hurting the poor creature accidentally.
You’ll likely see puppies sneeze if you are using the essential oil of some variety that disagrees with them; though this isn’t always the case. Now certainly, just because an essential oil isn’t good for your pups doesn’t mean you can’t use it—you just shouldn’t use it on them.
Still, this raises another question: are there essential oils you can use to help your pets overcome varying inflammation or anxiety issues? As it turns out, there are. Following we’ll briefly explore several oils you can use near and also for your pets, and ones you should avoid.
Oils Safe for the Presence of Canines
Chamomile tea of the German (or Roman, by some accounts) variety is safe for your pups, so is cedarwood, marjoram, jojoba, coconut, aloe vera, sunflower, apricot kernel, sweet almond, grapeseed, kukui nut, and argan oil.
These oils are excellent inflammation reducers for your dog. Additionally, they help reduce general irritation. Argan oil is especially good for your skin and hair, and it’s good for your pets, too. You can find Argan oil in all sorts of different configurations at Argan Wholesale website.
In terms of aggression, Valerian is something that can be therapeutic for a dog that has this sort of anxious personality. Meanwhile, of the oils listed earlier, cedarwood, chamomile, and marjoram are also good aggression-reducing compounds for pets.
The Oil That’s Not Safe for Your Pup
Anise, basil, birch, calendula, cassia, cinnamon, citronella, clove, cypress, eucalyptus, garlic, grapefruit, juniper, lavender, lemon, lime, myrtle, nutmeg, orange, oregano, peppermint, pennyroyal, pine, rosemary, spearmint, spruce, tansy, tea, thula, thyme, wintergreen, yarrow, and ylang-ylang are bad for your dog.
You can find more details about these specific essential oils, and how to avoid incidentally impacting your pets and doing them harm, at your vets ordination.
Comfortable Living and Healthy Pets
Many pet owners don’t consider their pups may have a reaction to essential oils just as people have a reaction to animal dander. When you’re cooking, or diffusing oils, it’s wise to keep these things away from your dog. At minimum, should, for an example,your Rover get a whiff of something like cinnamon, he may sneeze like crazy and run into things, feeling uncomfortable and unsociable for a while.
At worst, you could incrementally poison your dog until they develop a health condition which either requires thousands of dollars in veterinarian bills, or euthanasia. Neither alternative is desirable. Between these extremes, you’ll find your pup regurgitating more than perhaps he should from ingesting that which is poisonous to his canine biology.
All this seems a bit ironic when you consider that your golden retriever may think of the cat’s litter box as his dessert freezer. However, when you consider the ecological role of the canine in nature, it makes sense. Dogs have built-in immunities and strengths which repel some microorganisms, allow some foods poisonous to humans, and make them vulnerable elsewhere.
Talk to your veterinarian about your specific breed, and what to watch out for. Some of the essential oils listed aren’t directly poisonous, they’re just not conducive. Sometimes your dogs even get into oils all on their own, despite toxicity. So, learn what the dangers are, and see that you avoid accidentally hurting your pets.