According to one study, about 85 million families have some type of pet. But how many of those families actually have a pet tarantula? Are you wondering, “Are tarantulas good pets?” The answer is yes! But it does depend on what you’re looking for in a pet, so keep reading to find out if a …
Found an Abandoned Animal? 5 Steps to Take Immediately
A dog wandering alone on the streets may be a wild dog, or it may be an abandoned animal. Most people feel the need to try and help if that’s the case, but there are a few important things to remember when interacting with a stray pet. 1. Assess the Dog’s Physical State Most abandoned …
The Best Exterior Paint Colors for Your Home
Are you a homeowner? If so, then you understand the need to keep the exterior of your house looking great. Painting the exterior every few years is the best way to improve curb appeal and maintain resale value. The key is choosing the best exterior paint color. Fortunately, you’ve come to the right place for …
Hardwood vs Laminate vs Vinyl: Which Flooring Material Is Right for Your Home?
Your flooring choice matters. Flooring is in the top 11 issues that home buyers consider when deciding to buy and pay more. According to the National Association of Realtors, 54% of buyers are willing to pay an extra $2,080 if there are hardwood floors. When weighing up hardwood vs laminate vs vinyl flooring for your home, …