If you’re one of the 70% of Americans who takes medication each day, you know how bad the sticker shock can be when pharmaceutical companies raise their prices. But did you know that these higher prices are avoidable?

Every penny counts, which is why we’re going to help you find the best deals on the life-saving medications you use every day. You’ll save yourself a ton of time, too!

Keep reading to learn about some of the most common medication purchasing mistakes and how you can start saving on your prescriptions!

1. Shopping In-Store

You can find a chain pharmacy on just about every corner, which certainly seems convenient. However, stores like CVS and Walgreens are notorious for charging their customers too much simply because they can.

These days, you’re better off finding an online medication store. Shopping online makes comparing medication prices a breeze, so you’ll always get the best deal, no matter what kind of antibiotic or Tretinoin Cream you need.

Rest assured, online pharmacies offer the same medications you know and love. Just with the added bonuses of direct-to-door shipping and affordability.

2. Forgetting About Generics

Generic medications are a great way to take care of your health while still looking after your wallet. These medicines use the same recipes as the major manufacturers but change the name and sell it at a steep discount.

In essence, shopping for generic options for medications allows you to still take the medications you’re familiar with, but at a drastically reduced rate.

3. Not Verifying Your Online Pharmacy

At first, using an online pharmacy may seem a little risky. How do you know that what you’re receiving is safe? Or even legal, for that matter?

It’s always wise to approach online shopping from a place of skepticism, and your medication is no exception. That’s why you’ll need to conduct some research to make sure you’re buying from a reputable source.

Start by cross-checking a pharmacy’s accreditation, which you can find from a directory. Note that this also works for Canadian pharmacies, which are becoming increasingly popular for U.S. shoppers. It’s all legal, too, as long as the medication in question is FDA approved.

Next, look into the pharmacy’s online reviews. Keep an eye out for anything that seems fishy, and trust your gut if you think a site is buying or posting fake reviews.

4. Not Using Coupons

A few clicks of a mouse can save you hundreds of dollars per year! Most digital pharmacies offer coupons in the form of discount codes simply for shopping.

It’s no exaggeration to say that adding these bonuses to your cart is an absolute game-changer. If you don’t see a coupon available, don’t hesitate to ask a customer support representative.

Avoid These Common Medication Purchasing Mistakes to Feel Better and Save More

It’s so important to find the right medications. By knowing how to skirt around these common medication purchasing mistakes, you’ll get the same great medicines you love at a fraction of the cost you’re paying now.

Want to learn more about how you can stay happy and healthy? Be sure to check out the rest of our health and fitness content!

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