There is a whirlwind of reasons why a clogged drain could happen. Knowing what the clogged drains could bring could help you protect your home from growing bacteria.

Learning about the causes will help you protect your property immediately. There are many things you could do if you’re aware of the root cause of the clog. Reading these solutions is the best way to know what you’re getting into.

Read on to learn about some of the most common causes of a clogged drain and how you can prevent or solve them.

1. Failing to Use a Strainer or a Drain Cover

Failing to use a strainer or drain cover to catch food particles is one of the main causes of clogged drains. Over time, these particles can attach to the walls of the drain, sticking together and forming clogs.

To avoid this, it is important to use a strainer or drain cover to catch food particles from entering the drain.

2. Putting Grease or Large Food Particles Into the Drain

One of the most common causes of clogged drains is the accumulation of grease or large food particles. Cooking grease is particularly troublesome because it will solidify when it comes into contact with cool pipes. As it accumulates, it coats the walls of the pipes, creating a clog.

The best way to prevent clogs from grease or food is to never put them in the drain in the first place. Instead of pouring them down the drain, dispose of them in the garbage or pour them into a can with a lid.

3. Not Removing Minor Blockages

As soon as you notice slow drains, break out with a plunger or snake and clear out any soap residue or clogged hair. Don’t wait until your issue is more serious, or you may end up having to use harsher measures.

Taking the time to clear out any minor blockages can save you a lot of time and money in the long run.

4. Flushing Trash

Avoid putting solid trash objects down your drain. These items cannot be broken down in the wastewater, and they can also snag on other items within the pipes. To avoid clogged drains, never flush solid items into their bathrooms or kitchens.

Furthermore, if your drain is particularly bad, you may need to contact for 24/7 plumbing services for any plumbing issue. They provide emergency services and offer same-day service for some jobs.

5. No Regular and Proper Maintenance 

Regular and proper maintenance of your drains is key to preventing a clog. Investing in a drain screen or plumbing vacuum can help prevent clogs and debris from entering drains in the first place.

With regular and proper maintenance, you can extend the lifespan of your drains and save money on future repair costs.

Avoid Clogged Drains From Happening

Clogged drains can indicate a variety of issues. Common causes are hair, grease, and food particles. It’s best to take preventive measures, such as using sink strainers and properly disposing of grease and oily liquids.

If a clogged drain persists, act quickly and call a plumber. Don’t wait until a clogged drain turns into a bigger problem. Act now and prevent a plumbing catastrophe.

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