More often than not, many people choose to spend their savings, when they can, on redecorating or redesigning one or more of their interior living spaces and then they suddenly realize they have let their backyard and garden lose its aesthetic appeal.

So, in an effort to redress this balance, here’s a simple guide to creating a bougie and stylish back garden.

Treat Yourself to a New Outdoor Furniture Set

Just as when you’re designing a particular room in your home and look to create an engaging and eye-catching focal point, so too should you apply the same aesthetic principle to your garden.

However, as your outdoor space is the only one you have, regardless of the size of your garden and backyard, you need to include different focal points in the space, one of the most important being the seating.

Treat yourself and your new bougie backyard, to beautiful Forshaw outdoor furniture St Louis, who supply garden furniture to suit every budget and indeed, any shape or size of garden. 

Add a Dramatic Water Feature (Or Two)

Another key feature of a stylish backyard and garden, perfect for the summer months as well as providing an eye-catching focal point throughout winter, is to invest in a beautifully dramatic and stylish water feature.

The only real limit here is your own imagination, so spend time browsing local garden centers, as well as reputable online suppliers, to find the perfect water feature to complement the shape and overall design and layout of your yard.

Be Strategic with the Plants You Choose

One secret which landscape gardeners keep to themselves, or at least try to, when designing a stylish and contemporary garden is to always begin the practical changes with structural plants as a border then interspersed them with flowers.

Aim to plant leafy, evergreen shrubs at the end of each border, with smaller varieties of the same type of plants as bookends in the middle, such as box balls, for example. 

Invest in High-quality Paving

As important as focal points such as manmade ponds and water features are to add to the stylish element of your garden, so too are the choices of stones you choose for your patio and paved areas.

For a French countryside aesthetic for your paving, look into purchasing white or grey stones arranged in a random pattern and for a more English garden look, choose white stone with a golden tinge.

Play Around With Different Heights

By far the simplest, yet most effective, way of creating an enticing and interesting backyard and garden design is to experiment with texture and height.

Having designated areas with different highlights and core functions is a great addition and what’s more, if you’re fortunate enough that your garden already has contrasting levels, then you should take advantage of this.

Plant taller shrubs and plants on the higher levels and smaller, more colorful and playful varieties of flowering plants on the lower levels to simultaneously add both texture and height.

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