Bearded dragons are especially popular among pet owners in the world of reptiles. These attractive and interesting lizards have been the most popular pet reptile choice in the United States.
However, like any pet, they require certain aspects of care to stay healthy. If you’re thinking about getting a bearded dragon pet, you might be wondering how to best care for it.
In this article, we’ll go over several strategies for caring for a bearded dragon. Keep reading to learn how to create a safe and happy environment for them.
1. Grooming for the Skin and Beard
Regular grooming of your bearded dragon’s skin and beard is essential for keeping them healthy and happy. Always keep your dragon warm while grooming to avoid stress.
Use a soft brush or towel to remove any dirt and bacteria in the beard and on the skin. Use a damp cloth or towel to remove any dirt and debris from the beard.
Trim the nails regularly to prevent your dragon from scratching itself. Finally, trim the beard hairs occasionally to ensure it isn’t too long.
2. Best Feeding Habits and Nutrition
Feed your dragon high-quality, trusted brands of insects, such as Dubai roaches, starter colonies, crickets, and mealworms. Ensure bearded dragon food is gut-loaded and supplemented adequately with minerals and nutrition.
Provide dark leafy greens to your dragon that are rich in calcium and vitamins. Give them multivitamin supplements designed explicitly for reptiles every one to two weeks.
Finally, provide fresh water daily and replace it with new water every few days to avoid bacteria build-up. Also, feed your dragon in a separate container to prevent consuming its waste.
3. Proper Handling and Interaction
When you first bring your dragon home, allow it time to get used to its new home. Start by gently petting the dragon for a few minutes each day.
You can extend the time as it gets more comfortable. Keep one hand on your bearded dragon’s body while the other strokes its head and body.
Always wash your hands with soap and water before handling them to reduce the risk of spreading bacteria. Remove loose hairs or parasites from your dragon’s skin and eyes after handling them.
4. Establishing a Clean and Comfortable Habitat
Provide a large enough tank for your bearded dragon to move around in. It should have at least 20 gallons of space.
Line the tank’s bottom with a substrate like desert sand and provide hiding spots to give your exotic pets a sense of security. You should also provide UVA and UVB lighting.
The ideal temperature should be between 75 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and no lower than 70 degrees Fahrenheit at night. Monitor faeces, spot clean as needed, or perform a thorough cleaning once a week.
Make sure to clean the tank and substrate regularly; don’t let waste accumulate. Make sure your dragon’s environment is safe and free of potential dangers or hazards.
5. Proper Vet Care
Schedule regular checkups with a reptile specialist. Visits should occur every six months; your vet can help assess your dragon’s health.
Keep close tabs on your beardie to watch for changes in behavior or appetite. If you notice any, contact your vet immediately.
Tips for Caring for a Bearded Dragon
Bearded Dragons can be wonderful and adorable pets to own. Remember to give them adequate space, companionship, nutrition, socialization, and love.
Always do your research. Don’t hesitate to ask your closest veterinarian for more advice on caring for a bearded dragon.
Check out the rest of the posts for more tips and tricks.