As homeowners, we are all worried about devastating hail storms. From 2018 to 2020, the number of hail damage claims to insurance companies increased 2%. The reality is that these storms can do a lot of damage and even destroy our homes. The good news is that typical homeowners insurance policies offer coverage for these …
Ways To Bolster Your Child’s Financial Future
Children grow up remarkably fast. It can seem like they are infants one minute and attending college the next. Because of how fast this time passes, it is important to have the necessary safeguards for their financial futures. Efforts should go beyond your own, too, as your child needs to become more equipped and savvy …
The Reasons Why You Should Invest In North Carolina Real Estate
Every year hundreds of people are drawn to the United States, drawn by their sheer curiosity to discover a glimpse into the American way of life. Visitors to the States don’t need to seek the advice of real estate agents to realize why its cities are one of the world’s most sought-after areas to either …
Are Condos in Miami a Good Rental Investment?
The real estate market in Miami is alive and well, making now an excellent time to invest. In fact, 40% of recent sales were from cash buyers. If you’re new to real estate and hoping to make a purchase that can pay off, a condominium might be just what you’re looking for. So what makes this …