Enough time has passed. The holidays and school vacations have finally passed, and you have enough mental clarity to return to your regular life. Amid your post-vacation plans, there’s one step you simply can’t put off any longer: finding a house cleaner.

You schedule some house cleaning appointments and set the dates for deep cleaning. When you check the calendar and actually see those appointments on the page, the stress of actually getting house cleaning services for the first time becomes real.

How much is it to hire a house cleaner? Is it worth the cost?

Here’s what you need to know about the house cleaning price list.

Size of House

First, consider how large your home is and how much cleaning it will require. If you have a small apartment, you can probably get by hiring a house cleaner once a week. But if you have a large house, you might need to hire someone for a few hours each day or even live-in help.

For a small home, you can expect to pay around $50 for a one-time cleaning. For a medium-sized home, the price goes up to $80. And for a large home, the price can be $100 or more. If you need more than one cleaning per week, the price will be higher.

Frequency of Cleaning

Consider how many rooms need to be cleaned and what type of cleaning they require. A house cleaner who specializes in kitchens and bathrooms will charge more than someone who just does general cleaning.

House cleaners typically charge between $25 and $45 per hour, with the average rate being $35 per hour. The cost will also depend on the frequency of cleaning.

For example, if you want the cleaner to come bi-weekly, the cost will be lower than if you want them to come every week. The average cost for bi-weekly cleaning services is $80, while the average cost for weekly cleaning services is $160.

Special Needs

Finally, consider any special needs your home might have. If you have pets, you’ll need to hire a house cleaner who is comfortable working around them. If you have valuable antiques or delicate furniture, you’ll need to find a cleaner who is trained in how to properly care.

If you require more specialized service, such as someone to provide assistance with personal care, you may need Top Mops Cleaning. They provide professional house cleaning and maid services.

Hire a House Cleaner That Fits Your Budget and Needs

There is no one answer to the question of how much it will cost to hire a house cleaner. The price will vary depending on the size of the home, the frequency of cleaning, and the number of people required to do the job. In addition, the price may be affected by the presence of special needs. 

If the house is particularly large or if the person hiring the cleaner has a disability that requires extra assistance, the price will likely be higher.

However, there are many affordable options available, so it is possible to hire a house cleaner who meets your needs and your budget.

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