During COVID-19, we spent more time at home than ever before, over 60% of our day on average. Our homes have turned from shelter and necessity to a place of sanctuary.

And there is no better place in our home to relax than our lounge. But getting the most from your space means investing in the perfect furniture. 

Here’s our guide to buying the best lounge furniture for your home. 

Measure Up

As any professional interior designer will tell you, oversized furniture will make an average-sized room seem small and cramped. So you need to get the proportions right.

The best way to do that is to measure your space. Check the room dimensions, and don’t forget about recesses or bay windows. 

Sketch Your Layout Plans

It’s essential to visualize the space when adding lounge furniture and the best way to do that is to sketch some ideas on paper to show how the sofa and chairs will sit. Move them around until you find the space that works best for you.

If you prefer, there are apps and website tools that will help you create a lounge layout digitally instead. 

Think About Purpose

Naturally, you want lounge decor that looks beautiful. But think about what you and your family need and how you will use that space. Here are some prompts to help:

  • Do you often host guests?
  • Do you eat in your lounge area?
  • Do you have pets?
  • Do you have children? 
  • Do you need side furniture for cups and glasses?
  • Do you prefer informal lounges or something uncluttered and minimal?

Those questions will help shape your furniture needs. The more your lounge fits your lifestyle, the more use you’ll get from it. 

Be Practical

You should also write down your practical requirements when choosing lounge furniture. You’ll avoid opting for a sofa that looks gorgeous but is impossible to clean! 

Some families need a more practical solution than others. Pets leave hair, so you’ll want a sofa that’s easy to vacuum (or one you can cover with throws).

Children will inevitably jump and roll around on sofas, so you might want to get one robust enough to survive when they turn the cushions into an elaborate den.

You’ll also want to choose exceptionally comfortable furniture if you suffer from aches and pains like a bad back.

Shop Around for the Best Deal

We’ve all found ourselves in that scenario where we find the perfect design, only for our hearts to sink when we see the price tag!

So take plenty of time to browse for similar styles and look for the best deal. Search for special offers, or time your purchase to coincide with Black Friday. If you are ready to begin your search, you can shop for a sofa here

The Perfect Lounge Furniture

Browsing Pinterest or interior design magazines might give you plenty of inspiration for your lounge. But to find the perfect lounge furniture, first begin your search by considering what’s suitable for you, your family, and your space. 

To read more practical tips on designing your interior, head to our home life section. 

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