Dysphagia is a health condition that affects a person’s ability to swallow, and it can pose distinct challenges when you’re on a business trip. Although dysphagia can make travel difficult, with a few efficient strategies and proper planning, there are ways you can maintain your professional commitments while coping with this condition. Here are a few top tips to help you manage dysphagia effectively while carrying out professional duties away from home.

Be Proactive When Planning Your Trip

The key to managing issues with swallowing during a trip is proactive planning. Before embarking on your trip, do your research on various venues, such as accommodation and eateries, that offer food options that are dysphagia friendly. Don’t be afraid to reach out to establishments to confirm their menu and inform them about your specific needs. By doing your research and proactively planning your trip, you can reduce the risk of your condition affecting your travels. You will also alleviate any discomfort or potential stress during your business trip too.

Prepare Yourself for All Situations

No matter how well you plan, travel can be unpredictable, which is why you need to prepare yourself for all situations. Pack a travel kit that will help you manage dysphagia. Includes items like packaged dysphagia-friendly snacks and some Simply Thick mix-in to help make consumption easier. A travel-friendly container and a measuring scoop may come in handy too. Although this kit is designed for emergencies, ensure you have enough snacks and thickener products to keep you going until you can find somewhere to buy more.

Have Offline Translation Apps on Hand

When eating out abroad or in places where the first language isn’t your own, it can be useful to have translation apps pre-downloaded on your phone. These handy apps can help you communicate your specific dietary requirements and any potential modifications you need to the restaurant staff. Offline apps are handy when internet connections are shaky, as you don’t need to rely on WIFI or a stable connection to communicate. In addition to translation apps, checking out websites or downloading local apps that offer reviews and up-to-date information about what establishments provide can also help you make the right choice when eating out.

Communicate Your Needs to Your Travel Companions

If you are traveling with other people, it is important to let them know about your condition so that they are aware of your specific dietary requirements when you’re dining out together. Explaining your dietary needs and informing them about the importance of following a recommended diet will help foster understanding from your travel companions. This will help you tackle potential hurdles on your trip, such as finding dining establishments where everyone can enjoy their meal.

Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is essential for overall good health, but it can be difficult to maintain proper hydration when you’re traveling. Be mindful of your fluid intake, especially if you are traveling to a location with high temperatures. Try to keep a reusable bottle with you that you can top up while you’re on the go. If swallowing water is difficult, always keep some thickening product on you so that you have a way of staying hydrated.

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