Is your bathroom a constant source of frustration due to cluttered counters and overflowing cabinets? 

Bathrooms, often the smallest rooms in a house, can quickly become messy with toiletries, grooming products, and expired medicines. The good news is that organising your bathroom is easier than you might think. 

Let’s see the steps to declutter and organise your bathroom efficiently.

Understanding the Bathroom Clutter Challenge

Bathrooms, despite their compact size, tend to accumulate clutter quickly. The products that keep you clean and presentable can pile up under the sink or inside cabinets, making it difficult to find what you need when you need it. 

Before diving into the decluttering process, let’s understand the challenges of bathroom clutter:

  • Limited space. One of the significant challenges with bathroom clutter is the simple fact that bathrooms are usually the smallest rooms in the house. Finding a cosy spot for everything can feel like fitting a puzzle piece into the wrong spot.
  • Multiple functions. Bathrooms wear many hats. They’re not just where you freshen up; they also serve as storage, laundry, and sometimes even a mini-pharmacy. This multi-functionality can turn your bathroom into a storage mishmash.
  • Hidden clutter. Bathroom clutter often likes to play hide-and-seek behind closed cabinet doors or in the dark depths under the sink. It’s the chaos you know is there but might not want to face.
  • Daily use. Think about it – you’re in and out of the bathroom all day. That means the clutter has plenty of chances to sneak in during your busy day.
  • Expiration dates. Some bathroom goodies, like makeup and medicines, have expiration dates. Forgetting to do a regular check can result in cluttered cabinets and products that are past their prime.
  • Accessibility. When your bathroom gets cluttered, it’s not just about appearances. It can get in the way of your daily routine. Imagine searching for toothpaste while half asleep in the morning rush.

Understanding these challenges helps us see that bathroom clutter isn’t just tidying up; it’s about finding practical solutions to keep your bathroom functional, organised, and stress-free for your everyday life.

The Decluttering Process

Decluttering your bathroom can be a liberating experience. Start by decluttering your medicine cabinet, as it’s often the first place to accumulate unnecessary items. Dispose of expired medicines, makeup, hair products, grooming tools, and other things you no longer need.

Here’s how to make the process smoother:

  • Categories – Put all items in the open and divide them into three piles: keep, donate, and toss. Box up any donations and dispose of other items responsibly.
  • Organise – Sort the products into subcategories based on types and where you plan to store them. This will make finding items easier in the future.

Questions to ask while decluttering

When decluttering, asking yourself a few questions can help determine whether an item should stay or go:

  • Do I use this? If you hesitate to answer, it’s likely time to part with the item.
  • Is this product still good? Check for expiration dates and any signs that the product has expired.
  • Would I buy this today? Assess whether the item still serves a purpose or adds to the clutter.

The importance of cleaning up

While you have all your items out for decluttering, take the opportunity to give your bathroom a thorough scrub. Removing grime and debris from the insides of cabinets and drawers will make your bathroom feel fresh and clean.

Optimising Bathroom Counter Space

A cluttered bathroom counter can make your morning routine a hassle. To keep things simple and functional, only keep products that you use daily on the counter. Shampoo, toothpaste, and toothbrushes should have a designated space. Here’s the key to effective bathroom counter organisation:

  • Minimise –  Keep out as few items as possible to make cleaning easier and prevent clutter from accumulating.
  • Accessibility – Store items closest to where they’re used, ensuring convenience in your daily routine.

Managing hair care appliances

Hair dryers and straighteners can quickly clutter up your bathroom. To keep them organised and out of the way, attach a file organiser, magazine holder, or storage bin to the side of the sink or outside a cabinet door. Store your hair care appliances inside it, saving valuable counter space.

Utilising magnetic strips and mason jars

Magnetic strips can work wonders in decluttering your bathroom space. Attach one inside your bathroom cabinets to store tweezers, bobby pins, nail clippers, and nail files. Not only does this declutter your area, it also gives you better access to these grooming supplies.

Mason jars are a simple yet effective solution for storing small items like makeup brushes. Personalise them by decorating them creatively to add a touch of style to your bathroom organisation.

Maximising vertical space

When it comes to bathroom storage, don’t overlook the vertical space. Install an over-the-door shelf to store supplies like toilet paper, soaps, shampoos, and grooming essentials. This clever solution maximises storage without taking up additional floor space.

Drawers are often the messiest areas in a bathroom, making you rummage for specific items. Adding a simple plastic utensil tray can help you overcome this struggle, keeping your drawers tidy and things easily accessible.

Innovative storage – kitchen spice racks

Repurpose kitchen spice racks in your bathroom for an innovative storage solution. Place them close to your bathroom mirror and store gels, creams, sprays, and scrubs inside. This declutters your bathroom and makes your daily grooming routine more efficient.

Taking inventory of cleaning supplies

A cluttered bathroom isn’t just about personal products; cleaning supplies can contribute to the mess. Take inventory of your cleaning supplies and toss those you no longer use. Combine multiple nearly empty products into one bottle, and arrange bottles close to empty towards the front of your stash. This ensures that you use them up first.

Maintaining a clutter-free bathroom

Once you’ve decluttered and organised your bathroom, the key is to maintain it. Make an effort to return items to their designated places after using them. This simple habit will keep your bathroom looking clean and organised without much effort.

Bathroom Cleaning and Decluttering Schedule

Maintaining a clean and clutter-free bathroom is essential for a tranquil living space. To achieve this, we’ll create a cleaning schedule that divides tasks based on their frequency and assigns responsibility.

Here’s a practical bathroom cleaning and decluttering schedule:

Daily Tasks:

  • Wipe Down Countertops and Sinks:
    • Responsibility: Family members on a rotating basis.
    • Quick wipe-down after morning routines or before bedtime.
  • Hang Up Towels and Robes:
    • Responsibility: Everyone.
    • Hang towels and bathrobes on hooks or towel bars after use to prevent clutter.

Weekly Tasks:

  • Clean Shower or Bathtub:
    • Responsibility: Family members on a rotating basis.
    • A thorough scrub of shower walls, tub, and fixtures to prevent soap scum buildup.
  • Empty Trash Bin:
    • Responsibility: Rotate the task among family members.
    • Dispose of bathroom trash and replace the liner.
  • Check for Expired Products:
    • Responsibility: Rotate among family members.
    • Look for and discard expired toiletries or products.

Bi-Weekly Tasks:

  • Clean Mirrors and Glass Surfaces:
    • Responsibility: Rotate among family members.
    • Use glass cleaner to keep mirrors and glass surfaces sparkling.
  • Disinfect High-Touch Surfaces:
    • Responsibility: Rotate among family members.
    • Wipe down light switches, faucet handles, and doorknobs with disinfectant.

Monthly Tasks:

  • Vacuum and Mop Floors:
    • Responsibility: Rotate among family members.
    • Vacuum and mop the bathroom floor to remove dust and dirt.
  • Inspect and Declutter Cabinets and Drawers:
    • Responsibility: Rotate among family members.
    • Check for unused or expired items and declutter bathroom storage.

Quarterly Tasks:

  • Deep Clean Grout and Tile:
    • Responsibility: Rotate among family members.
    • Deep clean tile and grout to prevent mould and mildew growth.
  • Wash Shower Curtain or Liner:
    • Responsibility: Rotate among family members.
    • Launder or replace the shower curtain or liner as needed.

Yearly Tasks:

  • Inspect and Replace Bathmats and Shower Curtains:
    • Responsibility: Rotate among family members.
    • Check for wear and tear, and replace bathmats and shower curtains.

As Needed Tasks:

  • Maintenance Checklist:
    • Responsibility: Rotate among family members.
    • Refer to the bathroom maintenance checklist for tasks like re-caulking, fixing leaks, or replacing worn-out fixtures.

Professional Cleaning (Optional):

  • Consider Professional Cleaning:
    • Responsibility: If budget allows, hire professional cleaners for a deep clean every 6-12 months.

Using Technology for Reminders:

To stay organised and ensure tasks are completed promptly, consider using technology:

  • Calendar Apps: Use digital calendar apps like Google Calendar or the Reminders app on your phone or tablet to schedule tasks and set recurring notifications.
  • Paper Calendars: If you prefer a tangible reminder, use paper calendars to mark task due dates. Place the calendar in an easily visible location.

Following this cleaning and decluttering schedule will ensure your bathroom remains clean, organised, and clutter-free. It’s about maintaining a clean home and contributing to your mental well-being by reducing stress related to clutter and mess. A well-maintained bathroom adds to the overall harmony of your living space.

How the Professionals Keep Bathroom Clutter at Bay

Creating a clutter-free and organised bathroom is an achievable goal, but drawing inspiration from licensed home cleaners and organisers can be helpful. 

Here are some additional tips, including insights from experts in the field:

  • Label and categorise.Use labels to identify containers and shelves. This makes it easier to find what you need and encourages everyone in the household to put things back in their designated spots.
  • Keep it minimal. Professional organisers often emphasise the importance of minimalism in bathroom organisation. Only keep items that you use regularly and love. Donate or discard things that have gone unused for an extended period.
  • Drawer dividers. Drawer dividers or organisers can help keep small items like makeup, jewellery, and grooming tools in order. Consider adjustable dividers to accommodate various-sized items.
  • Use hooks and towel bars. Install hooks and towel bars on the back of the bathroom door or the wall. This provides extra room to hang towels, bathrobes, and even baskets for additional storage.
  • Clear containers. Invest in clear storage containers for items like cotton balls, Q-tips, and hair accessories. Transparency allows you to see what’s inside without rummaging through containers.
  • Regular purging. Set a schedule for regular bathroom purges. Once every few months, go through your toiletries and cosmetics to ensure everything is still in good condition and relevant to your needs.
  • Utilise under-sink space. Make the most of the space beneath the sink by adding stackable bins or shelves. This area can be used to store extra toiletries, cleaning supplies, or even spare toilet paper.
  • Keep personal care products separate. If you share your bathroom with family members, consider assigning designated storage areas for each person’s personal care products. This reduces confusion and clutter.
  • Roll, don’t fold. Roll your towels instead of folding them. Rolled towels take up less space in cabinets or on shelves and add a spa-like touch to your bathroom.
  • Regular deep cleaning. Beyond daily maintenance, schedule regular deep cleaning sessions for your bathroom. This includes scrubbing tiles, cleaning grout, and disinfecting all surfaces to maintain a fresh and hygienic environment.
  • Bathroom maintenance checklist. Create a bathroom maintenance checklist to help you stay on top of tasks like changing shower curtains, replacing worn-out bathmats, and checking for plumbing issues. This prevents problems from accumulating.
  • Freshen up the air. Consider placing a small bowl of baking soda or an air-purifying plant in your bathroom to keep the air fresh and reduce odours.


Decluttering and organising your bathroom is manageable when broken down into steps. 

By downsizing your medicine cabinet, asking the right questions, and optimising storage, you can transform your bathroom into a functional and visually pleasing space. 

With regular maintenance, you’ll enjoy a clutter-free bathroom that simplifies your daily routine and adds a touch of tranquillity to your home. Say goodbye to bathroom clutter and hello to a more organised, stress-free space!

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