Termites are one of the most destructive bugs to invade your home. If you don’t catch their signs early, they’ll eat away at your walls. Not to mention that you’ll probably be left with a bill that can range between $200 to $900.

That’s why you need to recognize the early signs of termites in your ceiling. And if you don’t know what these early signs are, we’ve got you. In this article, we’re going to enumerate some signs you should look out for to help you identify if you have a termite infestation in your home.

Let’s dive in!

Ceiling Wood Discoloration

As the termites consume the wood. Their excrement may leave a black residue, which will cause the wood to discolor and become darker in appearance.

Theories suggest that the dark residue is used by the termites to attract other termites to their location. The darkening of the wood is an indicator that their numbers are increasing and that the wood may soon become hollowed out.

Soft or Hollow Wood

When you have a termite infestation in your ceiling, wood can become hollow in several ways. Termites are small, wood-eating insects that feed on cellulose found in wood. When they live and breed in the wood, they bore through the wood fibers, leaving spaces behind.

The hollow section of the wood continues to increase as the termites consume more of the cellulose. Because they can eat up to several pounds of wood in just one year, this can create significant amounts of damage over time without you even noticing.

To check for soft or hollowed wood, you can simply knock on your wooden ceilings. Once you hear a hollow sound, it’s probably time to call for pest control services. The exterminator can easily find the termites and be able to fix the termite damage immediately.

Mud Tubes Along Corners 

Mud tubes are formed when termites mix their saliva, fecal matter, and soil. This creates a paste-like material that they can use to form their tubes.

The tubes remain moist and block the air from outside. Therefore, it allows them to travel further distances without losing moisture due to evaporation. The tubes are typically left behind along wall corners because these areas often harbor wood, the food source of termites. 

Scattered Wings and Fecal Pellets

You can identify termites in your ceiling by looking for wings or tiny fecal pellets around the house. They are usually light brown to black. 

So you need to look in the shadowy and dark corners of your home. You need to check around bathtubs, sinks, and toilets, as this is where they typically congregate.

Recognize These Early Signs of Termites in Your Ceiling to Avoid Future Problems

Termites can cause serious damage and financial destruction to your home. So be proactive and regularly check your ceiling for signs of termites. Make sure to check for mud tunnels, hollow wood, and droppings.

Early action can save you from expensive repairs in the future. So take the necessary time to look out for these early signs of termites in your ceiling and reduce the chances of major destruction.

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