If you’re aspiring to get into the real estate industry, you must first obtain a real estate license and acquire the expertise you need to succeed in the field. In order to get the license, you must attend real estate classes. This can be done either online or in person.

However, deciding whether to study online or attend in-person classes depends on your circumstances, learning style, schedule, etc. In this piece, we delve into the advantages and disadvantages of both types of courses to help you make the best decision.

Consider Your Leaning Pace

When you search “real estate courses near me,” you must decide whether to study realtor schooling online or in person. One of the things that will determine whether you pursue your real estate license online or attend physical classes is your preferred learning pace.

The beauty of attending an online realtors’ real estate school is that it empowers you to progress at your own pace. This is particularly beneficial if you have a tight schedule and constantly juggle work, family responsibilities, and other commitments besides your studies. On the other hand, if you have enough time to move at the pace of all other students in a class and the lecturer’s preferred pace, then an in-person course can work for you.

Think About Your Learning Style

Your learning style is another factor that should determine the type of real estate agent training you choose. Do you prefer face-to-face interaction and do well in a structured classroom setting? Then, in-person real estate classes may suit you better.

Conversely, if you value a flexible learning style, as well as self-directed learning, then choosing to pursue your real estate license online may be the best option. If you’re looking for a reliable online real estate school, you can click here to continue reading about one.

Consider your Technology Proficiency

You must also consider how comfortable you are with technology when you choose between in-person and online real estate classes. You can opt for online classes if you are tech-savvy, have basic tech proficiency, and are self-disciplined enough to study without supervision. On the other hand, if you don’t like interacting online, browsing the internet, or navigating virtual learning platforms, then you should go for in-person classes.

Evaluate Your Learning Support Needs

As you decide whether to take online real estate classes or attend physical classroom setups, another crucial thing that should guide you is your learning needs. It is critical to assess how much guidance and support you think you will need during your studies. If you value and benefit from immediate clarification of anything confusing to clear doubts and like personalized attention, then you should choose in-person classes. This is because they are better placed to offer you a more supportive environment. Conversely, online courses can work for you if you are content with seeking clarification from online resources or contact your tutor through various media such as live chat.


The choice between in-person and online real estate classes depends on your preferred learning pace, style, technology proficiency, and specific needs. Both approaches to getting real estate agent training have pros and cons, and understanding the nuances can help you make the best decision. The crucial thing is to choose the ideal learning environment that aligns with your goals and places you on the right track to getting your license and succeeding in the real estate field.

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