Most of us are familiar with the terminology Feng Shui, but how many could really define what it means and moreover how to utilise it in our homes?

Well, to answer the first part – Feng Shui is rooted in ancient Chinese art and is the idea of arranging buildings, objects, and space in an environment to achieve harmony and a balance that will yield peace and prosperity.

The idea of Feng Shui has spread much further afield and is used with regularity in western cultures in modern life.

There are several ways in which we achieve positive Feng Shui in the home.

Understanding the Chi

So, we have an idea of what Feng Shui is as a concept but why is it so important?

Essentially, making adjustments to your Feng Shui is said to be a way of keeping the Chi steadily flowing through the entirety of your indoor space.

What is Chi you ask? Chi is best described as the ever-changing forces that define your mood – whether good or bad – at any given time or place.

Chi can also be understood as the vital energy derived from nature in every person and object and is always in motion in the objects and people in your surroundings.

Optimising storage space

It is always ideal to use any available storage space wisely, for example by fitting a wardrobe under the stairs.

Having too many items on display in a room can be visually overwhelming. Closed storage such as drawers and cabinets is advisable and display only a few items at a time on these fixed areas – changing these items every three to six months. Having fewer things on display will help you appreciate the ones that are more.

Have a welcome entry path to your home

A great way to create a positive vibe is by presenting a tidy entrance to your space, and one that feels welcoming and bright.

You could decorate the area with colourful plants, add plenty of light to avoid entering a dark space, and always make sure things like troublesome locks are dealt with so you do not enter the home frustrated.


A cluttered mind can often lead to stress and anxiety. Well, it is a similar principle when decorating the home.

Try to have things organised in a way that reduces the clutter in your home, particularly in hallways and near doors.

It is better to discard unused or unwanted items to create extra space, and to not have obstacles in the way as you navigate the home.

Traffic flow

An important way to not block the Chi in your environment is to not block your route through rooms.

For example, it is better in the living room not to have the back of the sofa towards the entrance of your room, while circular coffee tables may feel easier to get around than square ones.

Keep a smooth, clear path as the flow of the room can imitate the positive flow of your Chi.

Having plants in your rooms with help bring the tranquillity we associate with nature and bring a freshness to your living space.

At the same time, it is important to choose plants best suited for the light conditions in your home and your ability to take care of them.

In conclusion

Essentially, the way in which one chooses to order their living space is entirely at their own discretion.

But following the fundamentals of Feng Shui is sure to bring benefits. Less stress about how your home looks will make you more switched on to other areas of your life such as family or work.

And the core ideals of promoting happiness, prosperity and good health, and feeling energised and passionate about life are always good things to aspire towards.

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