Did you know that homeowners can spend over $6,500 on home improvements in a year? If you’re not interested in spending that much, you can update your house for far less. Refreshing your front door is an easy — and cheaper — way to add curb appeal.

Read on to learn about the benefits of an iron door knocker!

A Door Knocker Is Durable

If you’re looking for a durable solution for visitors to announce their presence, a door knocker is it. To go a step higher, an iron door knocker provides a sturdier material. Outdoor chairs and tables are made from iron, too, because of iron’s strength.

The heaviness of the material ensures that anyone using an iron door knocker will be audible. When the handle makes contact with the door, it will produce a robust sound.

Better yet, if you have a storm door, a door knocker is trim enough to sit beneath it. This ensures that an iron door knocker with a regal design won’t be exposed to damage from summer storms

Get a Cost Effective Door Update

If you’re on a tight budget, a door knocker allows you to create a cosmetic update that won’t gouge your wallet. You can find an antique-style door knocker for under $50. Once you screw it into your door, you won’t even need to think about it!

While a traditional electrical doorbell could be priced in a comparable range, the installation can ratchet up the price. You may need an electrician to handle it for you. And if you opt for a wireless or smart doorbell, you’ll end up paying for batteries or surveillance services.

Show Some Style

The style options are endless, too. For instance, you can choose simple round door knockers in glossy metal finishes for a traditional look. Go with angular edges and a matte finish for a more modern look.

Door knockers come in different shapes, like seashells or animals. If you love gardening, choose a door knocker carved into a rose or sunflower.

Options are available in iron, as well as other metals like brass or stainless steel. Adorn a wooden door with an iron door knocker or choose a polished metal for more sparkle. Get rustic hardware here when you’re ready for an update!

Installation Is Simple

When comparing the installation of a door knocker vs doorbell, a door knocker wins. You won’t need to deal with electrical hookups and troubleshoot wiring problems. Doorbell installation can consume an entire afternoon if you’re not handy.

By contrast, you can install a door knocker with simple tools, like a drill and some screws. Mount your door knocker flush against the front door, drill it in, and you’re good to go!

Choose an Iron Door Knocker

An iron door knocker represents a handsome way to update your front door. You can customize the finish and shape, and you won’t have to invest the money or hassle that you would installing a doorbell. Plus you can trust that your door knocker will stand the test of time.

Get more tips to keep your home looking its best. Check back for new articles soon!

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