When your gut is healthy, it’s populated with bacteria that digest food, absorb nutrients, clear toxins and protect against diseases. It’s also free of symptoms like constipation, diarrhea, gas and bloating. Start by lowering your intake of processed, sugary and greasy/fried foods to give the good microbes in your gut a chance to thrive. Adding probiotic pills to your diet is another option.


A balanced population of bacteria in the gut helps with digestion, energy production, toxin removal, and illness prevention. When the balance is off, symptoms like gas, bloating, constipation and loose stools can occur. Diarrhea can signify small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), which occurs when unhealthy bacteria invade your intestines, competing with your good bacteria for space and nutrients. Eating foods like gluten, dairy, processed sugars, and artificial sweeteners you are intolerant to can also contribute to it. Symptoms of an unhealthy gut can be relieved by making simple lifestyle changes. A high-fiber diet, digesting food slowly and thoroughly, drinking more water, lowering stress levels, engaging in physical activity, and taking probiotics or prebiotics are a few of these. Ming Chinese herbal medicine can enhance the body’s capacity to absorb nutrients and remove toxins by replenishing gut flora. As a result, herbs for gut health help the entire body and not just the digestive system.


The digestive system breaks down food and liquids as nutrients to create, build, and repair cells. A healthy gut produces more of the good bacteria that keep you feeling energetic and stable. In contrast, unhealthy gut bacteria can lead to various symptoms, including bloating, diarrhea, constipation, and fatigue. Keep track of how often you have bowel movements and talk to a healthcare professional from minghealth.com about any changes in frequency. With unexplained nausea or indigestion, weight loss or increase can also be a sign of digestive problems. Bloating happens when your stomach stretches from eating too much, swallowing excessive air, or having food intolerances (sensitivity to a certain substance like gluten). It might also be a symptom of leaky gut syndrome, in which harmful bacteria get into the bloodstream and cause autoimmune diseases and joint pain.


Stools that are hard or lumpy, have a different color unrelated to what you’ve eaten, or if your stool frequency drastically changes could be signs that something is wrong. Generally, these symptoms indicate a lack of fiber, food intolerances, or an imbalance of gut bacteria. If you suffer from these symptoms, visiting your primary care doctor is always a good idea. They may refer you to a gastroenterologist or recommend you consult a registered dietitian for gut health guidance. In the meantime, you can improve your digestive discomfort by chewing thoroughly and eating slowly, staying hydrated, drinking plenty of water, trying an elimination diet for food intolerances, and taking a probiotic or prebiotic. It could help your gut bacteria regain balance and eliminate the bloating and diarrhea keeping you from feeling your best.

Weight Gain

A healthy gut supports weight loss, regulates blood sugar and balances hormones that control appetite. Unhealthy gut conditions may occur if you gain weight without altering your diet or workout regimen. Poor gut health can lead to various digestive issues like bloating, excessive gas, diarrhea and constipation. It can also impact the body’s ability to absorb nutrients, manage blood sugar and store fat. Improve gut health by eating a balanced diet of whole foods, including lots of fruit and vegetables, lean protein and whole grains. Add fermented foods like kefir, kimchi and sauerkraut to boost gut bacteria and reduce inflammation. Eat slowly, chew your food well and stay hydrated to optimize digestion. Also, try eliminating foods that trigger digestive symptoms like acid reflux or heartburn.


A balanced bacterial population in the gut aids the body’s digestion, absorption of nutrients, and elimination of waste. A healthy bowel tract is also free of symptoms like diarrhea, constipation, loose stools and abdominal pain. A diet high in FODMAPs (fermentable sugars, fibers and certain foods) can trigger bloating and gas. Common FODMAPs include wheat, beans, onions, garlic, dairy products, high-fructose corn syrup and artificial sweeteners. If you feel sluggish and have poor sleep, your gut health may be a factor. Studies show that a healthy gut can improve mood and sleep. It is because the gut and brain communicate with one another. It is also important to drink enough water, which can help improve digestion and hydration. Staying hydrated can also prevent bloating.

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