Agent Orange was a herbicide used by the military during the Vietnam conflict. The chemical was sprayed over 20 million acres of land to clear vegetation, plants, and trees from U.S bases. In 1971, it was banned after the government discovered exposure affected the health of veterans who fought in the Vietnam War. If you or a loved one served and you have any of the following diseases, you may be eligible for compensation.

Prostate Cancer

Research has found that veterans exposed to Agent Orange are at higher risk of being diagnosed with prostate cancer. If you have to undergo surgery because of this, you may be entitled to a 100% disability rating until after the procedure. And if you need other treatment after that, your disability rating may increase. You can learn more from these Agent Orange lawyers about VA benefits and how disability ratings work.

Ischemic Heart Disease

This condition causes the arteries to narrow, preventing the heart from getting enough oxygen and blood. The common symptoms include chest pain, shortness of breath, and dizziness. Without treatment, the condition can cause heart failure. A Vietnam vet diagnosed with ischemic heart disease or related conditions like coronary heart disease and coronary artery disease is eligible for Agent Orange benefits.

AL Amyloidosis 

AL Amyloidosis is a serious condition caused by abnormal protein buildup in the body, making certain organs less effective. Without treatment, the condition can lead to organ failure. AL Amyloidosis affects organs like the lungs, stomach, kidney, heart, and skin. Depending on the organs affected, you can experience symptoms such as swollen legs and feet, constipation, carpal tunnel syndrome, enlarged tongue, and bruising.

Hodgkin’s Disease

Hodgkin’s Disease is a type of lymphatic system cancer linked to Agent Orange. The condition causes white blood cells to develop and reproduce unusually fast, which throws your immune system off balance, making it hard to fight infections and illnesses. The most common symptom is swollen lymph nodes, trouble breathing, extreme fatigue, random fever, and itchy skin. 

Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma

This condition is almost similar to Hodgkin’s Disease in that it develops in the lymphatic system and affects your white blood cells. However, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma is more common and lacks the Reed-Sternberg cells. While certain things that compromise your immune system can lead to this condition, research has found that people exposed to Agent Orange can also develop the condition. If you have the disease and believe this chemical caused it, you can file a VA disability claim.

Respiratory Cancers

Cancer of the trachea, larynx, lungs, and bronchus fall under respiratory cancers. Veterans who developed respiratory cancer after exposure to Agent Orange are eligible for VA disability benefits on a presumptive basis. As long as the cancer is active, the VA should assign a 100% disability rating to the veteran, ensuring they get the highest compensation in their eligibility bracket.

Soft Tissues Sarcomas

This is a disease where malignant cancer cells form around your body’s soft tissues. This can happen anywhere on the body, leading to lumps or swelling in that area. Doctors diagnose soft tissue sarcoma in grades, with grade one having the best chance of recovery and grade three having the lowest. Agent Orange chemical exposure has been known to cause soft tissue sarcomas, qualifying veterans for VA disability benefits.

Are you a veteran with any of these conditions? If so, you’re entitled to VA disability benefits. Talk to an Agent Orange lawyer and find out how you can file a VA disability claim and receive compensation. The above points will help you explore compensation appropriately.

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