Many people spend more than ninety percent of their time indoors – either at home, in school, or the office. The concern about air pollution keeps increasing. More attention needs to be given to the quality of the air we breathe indoors.

Today, studies have shown that indoor air pollution has an impact on short and long-term health. What’s indoor air pollution and what are its major sources? That’s what this guide shows you. 

Indoor Air Pollution: What’s it?

Indoor air pollution is any kind of air contamination inside a building. They are in different forms and grouped into pesticides, gases, molds, pet dander, solvents, and smoke. 

To some extent, many properties tend to be affected by indoor air pollution. The quality of indoor air is important. It indicates how the air affects the comfort and health of a building’s occupants.

More energy-efficient homes are being constructed today. This made indoor air pollution become a more concerning issue.

Top Sources of Indoor Air Pollution 

What are the major indoor air pollutants? There are several sources of indoor air pollution. Here are four major pollutants.

Carbon Monoxide (CO)

This odorless gas is often released via fossil fuels. Vehicles are the largest contributor to outdoor carbon monoxide. For indoors, gas heaters and kerosene lamps produce more carbon monoxide.

Do you know that CO is very harmful to humans, especially when it’s inhaled in large quantities? Carbon monoxide affects what transport oxygen into the blood. The amount of oxygen to be circulated will reduce with too much CO in the body. Some of the harmful health effects include unconsciousness, death, and dizziness.


This mineral fiber naturally occurs in soil and rock. Asbestos is often used in construction materials because they are strong and have heat resistance. 

Again asbestos is used on cars, for friction items. Being exposed to this mineral fiber may increase the risk of having asbestosis, lung disease, or mesothelioma.

Some nations restrict the manufacture, distribution, and importation of asbestos-related materials. You can carry out an asbestos testing in Montreal.

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)

These are formed as gases, from solids and liquids. Volatile organic compounds are emitted by several products. They can have long-term health effects. These compounds are more indoors than they are outdoors. 

The major sources of volatile organic compounds include pesticides, paints, disinfectants, and aerosol sprays. Some of the health issues occupants may experience when exposed to VOCs are headaches, liver and kidney damage, nose and eye irritation, and nausea.

Improving the quality of ventilation in your home is a good way to avoid being exposed to volatile organic compounds.


This is a type of fungus. It develops from spores that latch in damp areas. When landed on a material, mold digests it before growing on the surface – any kind of surface. Mold is more common in the winter period and in moist environments.

Mold has several features. Remember that different fungus form it. Mold can be rough, fuzzy, or slick in texture. Colors may also vary – yellow, white, green, or black.


Understanding the major sources of indoor air pollution will give you an edge in tackling it. The four major sources need to be examined. Finally, on the South Shore of Montreal, the air pollution seams more.

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