Do you have a septic tank?

If so, you know how vital home plumbing is. Many people assume that a decentralized sewer system is self-sustaining, but that isn’t true.

Problems can arise if and when septic tank maintenance is neglected. If you’re unsure how to care for your tank properly, you could end up doing more harm than good.

But what sort of home maintenance is involved, and how can you do it yourself?

Keep reading to discover the top tips for keeping your septic tank in working order!

Pump Your Septic Tank Every 3-5 Years

A septic tank is a critical component of a home’s wastewater treatment system, and keeping it in good working order is essential.

Septic tanks should be pumped out every three to five years, depending on the tank size and the number of people using the system. The pumping frequency will also depend on the number of people using your septic system.

It is essential to have your septic tank pumped by a professional every few years in order to keep it working properly.

Not pumping your septic tank can lead to several problems, including sewage backup, odors, and flooding. Pumping your septic tank is a relatively simple and inexpensive process essential to properly functioning your home’s wastewater treatment system.

Regularly Inspection

Septic tank maintenance is key to keeping your system working properly. It is essential to have your septic tank regularly inspected to ensure that it is functioning properly.

Inspect your septic tank at least once a year to ensure that it is not leaking or otherwise causing environmental problems. They will also measure the level of sludge and scum in the tank and ensure that it is properly ventilated.

You can also perform some basic maintenance tasks yourself, such as monitoring the level of solid waste in the tank and ensuring no water pooling around the tank. You should call a septic tank cleaning company if you notice any plumbing issues.

Repair Any Cracks or Leaks

Repair any cracks or leaks that you find as soon as possible. Make sure that the tank is adequately ventilated.

Leaks can occur due to age or ground movement and can cause the tank to lose its ability to treat sewage effectively. If left unrepaired, cracks and leaks can lead to costly repairs or replacement.

Luckily, repairing cracks or leaks is relatively simple and can be done by a qualified septic contractor. In most cases, the tank will need to be emptied and repaired using specialized materials.

Keep the Tank Free of Debris

Septic tanks are usually located underground. They are typically made of concrete, fiberglass, or polyethylene.  Most septic tanks have two compartments. The first compartment holds solids that settle to the bottom.

The second compartment holds liquids that rise to the top. Debris can block the inlet and outlet pipes of the septic tank, preventing it from functioning properly.

It is essential to remove any debris that enters the tank. You can do this with a rake or hoe. Additionally, it is essential to ensure that only approved materials are flushed into the septic tank, as non-approved materials can clog the system and cause problems.

Homeowners should keep the tank free of debris by avoiding flushable wipes, paper towels, and other materials that can clog the system.

Trimmed Trees and Shrubs Around Your Septic Tank

You should trim trees and shrubs around your septic tank. This is to allow easy access to the tank for inspection and maintenance.

Trimming also prevents tree or shrub roots from damaging the tank or its components. Keeping the area around the septic tank clear of vegetation is vital for at least 10 feet.

Always use clean, sharp tools to avoid damaging the tank or its components. Be careful not to damage the tank cover or any of the pipes leading to or from the tank.

Inspect the tank and its components after trimming to ensure that there’s no damage. Dispose of all trimming debris properly to avoid polluting the environment.

Avoid Overloading the System With Water

A septic tank system is designed to treat a specific volume of wastewater. Excess water can overload the system, causing it to fail.

Excess water may also leach out of the system, contaminating groundwater. Be mindful of your water usage to avoid overloading your septic system with water.

Limit your water consumption, particularly during periods of heavy rainfall. If you have a garbage disposal, use it sparingly.

Consider installing water-saving fixtures, such as low-flow toilets and showerheads. These can reduce your water usage without impacting your quality of life.

It would help if you avoided long showers, laundry, and dishwashing during peak periods. Too much water in the system can cause the septic tank to overflow, leading to sewage backup and flooding.

Dispose of Cooking Grease and Oil Properly

One of the most important aspects of septic tank maintenance is disposing of cooking grease and oil properly. These liquids can solidify in the septic tank and clog the system.

As a result, it is essential to pour them into a container and dispose of them in the trash. Additionally, it is important to avoid pouring chemicals down the drain as they can also harm the septic system.

Essential Home Maintenance

As a homeowner, it is important to understand how to maintain your septic tank to prevent costly repairs properly. This quick guide provides essential septic tank maintenance tips to keep your system working efficiently.

Regular home maintenance and inspection can save you time and money in the long run. Follow these simple tips to keep your septic tank working properly for years.

Need more ideas on home maintenance tips? Take a look through our other blog posts to learn more.

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