It’s summertime, and that means it’s hot. Really hot! If your air conditioning unit isn’t working properly, you’re going to be miserable until you can get it fixed. But how do you pick AC repair services when there are so many out there? And how do you know if they’re reputable? In this blog post, …
5 Signs You Need New Flooring for Your House
Are you in the market for new flooring but are unsure if your house needs it? The flooring in your home is the piece that ties your home’s aesthetic together. Let’s be honest, flooring doesn’t last forever, and if it hasn’t been cared for or gone through regular maintenance, you may need to replace it. …
5 Reasons to Have Garden Flags on Your Property
Have you ever considered that there are small ways you can decorate the outside of your house? These small ways can represent who you are and what your family stands for. Decorating with smaller pieces is subtle and yet significant. If you’ve been trying to figure out that perfect way to add a pop to the …
A Guide to Backyard Landscaping
It’s hard to overstate how much we Americans love our lawns. We spent around $105 billion on them in 2020 alone! But, trust us, your backyard could be so much more than a patch of bright green grass with bushes and beds dotted around. As nice as this classic design is, proper backyard landscaping can …