Getting a pet is like gaining a new member of the family, and golden retrievers are no exception. The term “golden retriever energy” isn’t around for no reason – their loyal, lovable energy makes them some of the friendliest pets you can find. But every dog is different and needs different care, and it’s important to make sure that you cover all bases when looking after your new golden retriever. But don’t worry! We’ve laid out everything you need to know when adopting a golden retriever.

Nutrition and Diet

Diet is one of the first things you need to consider when adopting a golden retriever. Not only do you need to make sure you have a well-balanced diet to make up for all that excess energy, but you need to make sure their body stays healthy. This includes their coat too – without the right nutrients, you’ll lose that glossy coat that makes them so soft to touch.

But what sort of food should you be feeding your golden retriever? Most dogs need a large amount of protein in their meal. This doesn’t mean you should be grabbing the cheapest food you can find, however – you want to make sure the food you’re giving your golden retriever is full of natural, organic ingredients. That means opting for real meat (rather than the by-products and offcuts you might find in cheaper options) and vegetables that are rich in nutrition, such as carrots. Anything including additives or ingredients you don’t recognize is generally a no go – you should make sure you know exactly what you’re feeding your golden retriever to be sure you’re giving them the best diet. 

When it comes to your golden retriever specifically, you need to make sure you’re giving the right amount of food for their size, age, and weight. If you’re adopting a puppy, this means you may need to bottle feed the puppy at first, and then put them onto wet food when they reach five weeks old. They can then start dry food around eight weeks. 

As large dogs like golden retrievers can often eat too quickly, it’s best to give them food in large chunks, meaning they need to chew and thus slow down how fast they eat. If you’re looking for the best food for golden retriever, we recommend checking out Native Pets. They’re a team made up of pet lovers, so you can be sure that everything you offer them is made with love and care. They’re well educated on nutrition too, meaning you know they offer high quality food! They’re our top choice for the best food for golden retriever.

Don’t forget treats too – golden retrievers are highly intelligent and learn well from positive reinforcement, so by getting yourself some tasty little treats for special occasions, you can help keep your dog happy.


Golden retrievers have a lot of energy – they’re happy, playful dogs, and are eager to show it! They’re also big dogs, meaning they need a lot of exercise, so it’s well worth knowing this before adopting one yourself. 

Exercise is important for many reasons – for a start, with dogs who have as much energy as golden retrievers, it’s a good way to get all of that energy out so that there’s less chance of them taking that energy out in the home. It’s a good way to avoid torn up shoes and furniture! 

Exercise is of course also very good for a dog’s health. Not only will it make sure that they stay a healthy weight, but it also means you can keep joints and bones active and reduce the risk of them deteriorating in later life. This is especially important for dogs like golden retrievers that are big and bounding, which means they often put a lot of pressure on their joints, so it’s important to keep them active and nimble.

Another great benefit of exercise is that it helps keep a dog’s mind healthy as well. It’s not just bodily health you’ll want to be looking after – by engaging a golden retriever in regular, involved exercise, you can encourage them to work out their brain too. We recommend these 21 exercises that can help stimulate your dog mentally and keep both their body and mind in shape.

Another great way of getting your golden retriever to exercise while having a bit of fun is by teaching them a few tricks. Basic tricks like ‘sit’ and ‘paw’ are a given and can help create some bonding time with your retriever. More advanced tricks like ‘fetch’ are also great at giving your golden retriever a workout and giving yourself a workout too! If you’re feeling really adventurous, there are plenty of dog assault courses to try that can get your dog to work through mazes and other obstacles. Though these are a bit more challenging, especially if you’re still getting to know your dog, they can at the very least provide a good laugh.

Home Care

There are other important things to know about golden retrievers. Firstly, as we’ve mentioned before, they are big dogs. This means they need a lot of space to roam and explore, and preferably a garden to run around in (though if you take them out for several walks a day, this might not be necessary). Giving them space helps them feel more comfortable and gives them the opportunity to let out any pent-up energy. 

Golden retrievers are also big on people – they bounce off others’ energy and need plenty of interaction and play. This is important to know if you have a busy day or spend a lot of time at the office – your golden retriever will most likely get lonely and potentially struggle being alone for so long. If you can’t avoid being away from home for so long, make sure to look into sitters to visit home during the day, or even a place made for looking after dogs, like a doggy day care. This may even give you the chance to meet fellow dog owners, and let your golden retriever make some friends too!

Another important thing to know about golden retrievers is that they have fairly long, thick coats. Though this is one of their best features – with the right diet and nutrition, it gets super glossy and soft – it means that it needs some extra care and attention to be looked after. Not only does extra care need to be taken with the kind of nutrients you’re feeding your golden retriever, but a thorough grooming routine should be established. 

This means regular washing and bathing (which shouldn’t be too much of a problem, since golden retrievers love water – just remember to hide behind a towel once they get out and start shaking!). They also need plenty of combing to keep knots and tangles from forming, or else their fur can quickly become matted. You should also be prepared to do plenty of hoovering – golden retrievers are notorious for malting and can leave plenty of hairs lying around! 

That sums up our detailed guide into looking after a golden retriever. As long as you ensure you’re providing the best food for golden retriever, plenty of exercise, and taking extra time to keep them happy, you’re well on your way to being the perfect owner!

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