Unfortunately, your property’s safety and security is of optimum importance should you want to keep yourself, your family, and your belongings safe from both mastermind criminals and opportunistic thieves.

With that being said, continue reading to learn of some key methods of effectively securing your home against intruders.

Concentrate on the Doors

First and foremost, you need to make sure that the most obvious entry points to your home are secure and safe, so concentrating on the doors is an absolute priority.

You may well be surprised to learn that, from a recent study conducted by the Nevada Sheriff department in 2021, a massive thirty-five percent of all homes that were burgled had an unlocked front door that the thieves simply strolled straight through.

Changing the locks is nowhere near as drastic or indeed, as expensive, as you may think, and you also need to ensure the locks are anti-theft proof.

Replace Your Fence

The perimeter of your backyard and garden is of optimum importance when focusing on making your property much more secure and this is why looking into the cost of a new fence or indeed, whether or not your current fence is worth repairing, should be of top priority.

As a rule, by far the best type of garden fence is one made from feather-board or close-board fence panels, that are both solid and strong and are known to be excellent at withstanding any harsh weather and storms.

Use Lights to Highlight Your Property

Obviously, a house in the middle of nowhere that’s plunged into darkness as soon as the sun sets is far more tempting to opportunistic burglars than one that is lit-up through the night.

This is why you should look into the installation of motion-sensor security lights at both the front and back of your home, using solar-powered lights on the front lawn and a smart lighting system to illuminate the porch and hallway.

Secure the Backyard

If a shady character is walking past your home in the middle of the night and sees a brand-new, top-of-the-range lawnmower just sat there for the taking, then your home is far more likely to be broken into than if there is simply nothing to see.

Make sure that any gardening tools are locked in a shed or garage, that ladders and stools are hidden from view, and that any and all outhouses around your property are securely locked.

Install a CCTV System

Finally, perhaps the most expensive, yet ultimately most effective way of securing your property and deterring potential intruders is to install a CCTV system which covers both the front and back areas of your property.

Make sure that, should you choose to invest in such a system, that it comes with a connected application for your smartphone so you can talk through the built-in speaker, it contains cloud or even local storage, it has full Wi-Fi capabilities, night vision, and that it works by motion detection.

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